Can Supplements Really Boost Your Immune System?

Can Supplements Really Boost Your Immune System?

Struggling to recover from a persistent cold or cough, and feeling constantly drained? In the chillier months, when winter ailments are widespread, our immune systems could use a boost to fend off viruses and infections.

For an immediate health uplift and to keep your body robust and free from sickness, consider these natural ways to strengthen your immune system.

Amidst a surge in COVID-19 cases and the ongoing cold and flu season, more people are seeking ways to enhance their body's natural defenses.

But is it really effective to use a supplement to bolster your immune system against viruses and bacteria?

The truth is, there's no single pill that can fortify your immune system. It's a misconception that a stronger immune system is always better. An overactive immune response can be as problematic as a weak one. The goal is to achieve a balanced immune function that can efficiently recognize and tackle infections or injuries.

Getting sick isn't necessarily a sign of a weak immune system. In fact, symptoms like a cold are your immune system's way of telling you it's fighting hard. What exactly is the immune system, and how does it operate?

Your immune system is an intricate network of cells, chemicals, tissues, and organs that work together to defend your body against harmful bacteria and viruses. It triggers an immune response to restore your body's immunity to normal when it detects these pathogens.

Commonly, people believe that falling ill is a result of a weakened immune system. However, it's actually a sign that your immune system is actively combatting the illness. Your symptoms are an indication of your immune system's effort to protect and maintain your health.

But why do we still get sick if our immune system is meant to protect us?

The immune system is complex, and immune responses vary from person to person. It's unclear why some have a more balanced immune response than others. Lifestyle factors, among other things, can influence your immune response.

Every day, we encounter germs, including bacteria and viruses. A robust immune system works tirelessly to prevent these germs from making us ill. It recognizes harmful agents and quickly initiates an immune response to fight them. This includes trying to eliminate the virus or infection through symptoms like coughs or colds, and instructing white blood cells to attack these foreign invaders. White blood cells, produced in the bone marrow, are crucial for fighting infection.

However, external factors like diabetes, aging, obesity, and smoking can impede your immune system's functionality.

Maintaining a healthy and balanced immune system is key to preventing infections and diseases. You can achieve this through healthy lifestyle choices – eating nutritious food, getting enough sleep, and exercising.

But taking precautions is also important. Respiratory infections spread more easily in winter, not necessarily due to cold weather alone.

Infections spread quicker in winter as we tend to stay indoors in close quarters. COVID-19 has shown that social distancing can reduce illness transmission.

Viruses like the flu thrive in cold, dry air. In low humidity, the moisture surrounding expelled viruses evaporates, allowing the virus to linger longer in the air, increasing the chances of inhalation. Taking steps to avoid illness can protect your immunity and prevent further sickness. These include:

  • Avoiding contact with sick individuals
  • Regularly washing hands with antibacterial soap
  • Avoiding touching your face
  • Getting vaccinated, which helps the immune system develop a more efficient response to viruses


What can you do to keep your immune system healthy?

While you can't control every aspect of your immune system, you can promote its balance and efficiency. A healthy lifestyle is the most effective way to support your immune system. Protecting your body from environmental harm helps every part of it, including the immune system, function better. Key lifestyle changes include:

  • Not smoking
  • Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables
  • Regular exercise
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Moderate alcohol consumption
  • Getting 7-8 hours of sleep nightly


And what about supplements?

Certain supplements can enhance your overall health, which in turn, supports your immune system. Some are known for their infection-fighting benefits and overall health enhancement. By using them, your body becomes healthier, and your immune system is better equipped to ward off illnesses.

Research indicates that certain vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other substances can boost immune response and potentially protect against infections and diseases. Supplements provide an additional defense line against illnesses. Which supplements are recommended?

Daniel Zhou, our in-house pharmacist, offers expert advice on natural ways to prevent illness. Here are some of the best immune-boosting supplements to keep your body healthy year-round.


Eagle Beta A-C Powder

This potent effervescent vitamin C powder includes buffered vitamin C, Beta A-C, zinc, natural vitamin E, and citrus bioflavonoids as antioxidants. These components strengthen the immune system, alleviate cold symptoms, and aid in skin repair and wound healing.


Eagle Beta A-C Powder 500g


Bioceuticals Armaforce

A powerful herbal blend of andrographis, echinacea, olive leaf, vitamin C, and zinc, scientifically designed to protect the body from illness and support healthy immune function.

BioCeuticals ArmaForce Tablets 120s

Ki Immune Defence

A mixture of natural active ingredients (astragalus, shiitake mushroom, and olive leaf) that bolsters your body’s immunity to protect against sickness.


Ki Immune Defence & Energy Formula 75s

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